BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH

The state agency BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH collaborates with politicians and state institutions within the healthcare sector, focusing on biotechnology, medical technology, and pharmaceuticals. This collaboration leads to a wide range of services for companies, research institutions, and networks, all aimed at advancing technological, digital, and sustainable transformation. Start-ups are pivotal in this process and benefit from extensive support provided by BIOPRO. The agency offers strategic, technical, and implementation assistance for innovations and projects, including the Baden-Württemberg Healthcare Forum. Additionally, BIOPRO shares insights about Baden-Württemberg as a healthcare hub and keeps stakeholders informed about regulatory and technological advancements.

Claudia Luther

MBA @ BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Team lead sector analysis and location development
Claudia Luther studied biology at the universities of Erlangen, Mainz, and Tübingen. In 2006, she completed her doctorate at the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in the field of neurodegeneration and autoimmunity. She then moved to the Terry Fox Lab at the BC Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver, Canada, as a postdoctoral researcher. After a brief period as a senior postdoc in Prof. Rammensee’s lab in Tübingen, she joined the state agency BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH, where she has been responsible for industry analysis and location development in the healthcare sector for several years. She also holds an MBA specializing in healthcare management.


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