Clust-ER Health | Emilia-Romagna
An association promoted and recognised by the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy, Clust-ER Health brings together 115+ full members consisting of large companies, SMEs, startups, laboratories of the High Technology Network, research centres, health facilities, training institutions and patient’s associations that share skills, ideas and resources to promote the competitiveness and to support the development of the Health and Wellness industries of Emilia-Romagna. The Clust-ER Health is a key player in the innovation ecosystem, capable of multiplying the opportunities for territorial development through the collaborative and participatory approach of its members and shared services. It aims to forge synergies and set up coordinated and stable networks with public-private agglomerations operating in the sectors of health, pharma, medtech and biotech at European and international level for: lobbying for regional innovation policies, supporting national and European innovation policies, enhancing the regional education system, and promoting member activities and partnerships.

Clémence Foltz


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