The Department of Health is the main administrative body of the Generalitat de Catalunya for decision-making in health and public health matters: it has exclusive competence over the organization, internal functioning, evaluation, inspection and control of health centres, services and establishments and, moreover, participates in state planning and coordination in this matters. It also has the executive power of state legislation on pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical regulation; plus competences in other areas, such as:
• Health, socio-health and mental health services.
• Measures and actions aimed at public health in all areas (occupational health, animal health with impact on human health, food and environmental health and epidemiological surveillance.
• Planning of public health resources and the coordination of private health activities.
• Specialized health training, including the accreditation and evaluation of centers.
• Offer of places, preparation of calls, training programs for specialties and specific training areas, and issuance of diplomas for specific training areas.
• The statutory regime and the training of the staff of the public health system.

Esther Arévalo


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