Region of Crete – Innovation Business Observatory (IBO)
Innovation Business Observatory (IBO) is a permanent unit within the Region of Crete, aiming to strengthen sustainable and innovative entrepreneurship, to promote the coοperation between companies and academic & research bodies and to map the innovation ecosystem of the island of Crete.

Katerina Rousaki
I am currently the Head of the Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Unit at the Region of Crete’s Regional Economy Development and Openness Directorate and I hold a permanent position in the regional authority of the island of Crete since 2001. In my current role, I work on the implementation and monitoring of the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3Crete), coordinate with entrepreneurs, universities, and research institutions, and manage the Innovation Business Observatory of Crete.
Previously, I worked as a Consultant and Technical Author for IEA Coal Research in London and as a Technical Officer at the UK Department of the Environment, Transport, and the Regions. I hold an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London and a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. I am fluent in Greek and English, with intermediate proficiency in German.


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